1506C Board Flash File Dump


1506C BOARD TYPE Satellite Receiver Flash File or Dump.New and all China and original Satellite receiver. Also, Download other receivers’ Dump file and Programmer software Update For Boot Problem of any Receiver. To the Latest Information And much more software Like our Facebook Page.

A dump file or flash file is a boot information data that is an electronic device’s software / program located on EEPROM or Flash IC or the memory IC of this device. The main processor / microcontroller retrieves information retrieved from the memory IC when it has the power to work / learn about the boot.
If the flash IC / memory IC is damaged for any reason or its program / firmware is damaged for any reason, then the central controller does not find any boot / basic information and the device is not turned on. Û” In this case, we need to reprogram Flash IC with the matched hardware dump / flash file to get the device back to normal.

1506C Flash File Dump

Dump 1506C Flash File Download

1. Dump 1506C-DDR2.AV2018.V1.6.rar
2. Dump 1506C_DDR2_AV2018_V1.7.rar
3. Dump 8mb GOTO 1506c 2018 d2 v1.1.rar
4. Dump PROTOCOL-1506C DDR2 DC+ RF_4MB.rar
5. Dump_EL 1506C-DDR2-AV2018-V1.2 GD25Q32B.rar
6. Dump_EL 5200 HD SPHE 1506C V1.7 GD25Q32B.rar
7. Dump_EL5410 1506C-AV2018-V1.6 GD25Q32B.rar
8. Dump_ST-6200 1506C_DDR2_AV2018_V1.6 GD25Q32B.rar
9. Dump startrack click plus S1506C 2018-D2 V1.3.rar
10. Dump Star Track World in box III HD 1506C-DDR2-AV2018-V1.6.rar

Also 10 More

11. Dump Star track sr-9990hd HW.DK-V1.01 Board SPHE1506C_DDR3 BOX V1.3.rar
12. Dump_NEOSAT_SX1100_HD OST S1506C 2018 D2 V1.3 20140910 25L3206E.rar
13. Dump Newsat 2200HD OST S1506C 2018 D2 V1.4 8mb.rar
14. Dump Neosat-i7500 Hyper 1506c-DSZ-V1.0.rar
15. Dump NEOSAT-660D 1506C-AV2018.rar
16. Dump Neosat 770HD 1506C 4Mb.rar
17. Dump Neosat full hd ns 8200 bord id 1506c av2018 v1.0.rar
18. Dump_Echostar ES6116 OST S1506C 2018 D2 V1.1 2014 5 29 GD25Q32B.rar
19. Dump_Echolink H23 M03G-BSP1506C-DSZ V1.0.PCB GD25Q32.rar
20. DUMP FLASH ECHOLINK-EL-888D-SP210-1506C-3.6-GD25Q64_20170919.rar

Also 5 More

21. Dump Echolink770d wifi GD25Q32.1506c_ddr2_av2018_v1.3.rar
22. Dump Echolink 9090_1506c 4Mb.rar
23. Dump Echolink 880D+ and Startrack 6600D Sp210 1506C 3.6 8Mb.rar
24. DUMP FLASH ECHOLINK_EL-7333 OST S 1506C 2012 D2 V1.4.rar
25. Dump EL-5410HD 1506C-DDR2-AV2018-1.4.rar


To Check all software 1506C Board type receiver Click Here

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